Quick Indian Veg recipes of vegetable masala


Everyone wants Rajasthani taste with less effort. Because food is one of the sources which build up the body and open all pores of the buds. Anyone not sure how to prepare perfect and quick Indian veg recipes of sabji masala with less time interval. 

So, we discuss some amazing tips and terms of ingredients which make perfect masala for all dearones. Be stick till the end, you get perfect idea of making Sabji masala.

This blog helpful specially for working ladies which have never time for proper measurement of ingredients, this blog recipe is too valuable for her.  

In whole blog discuss about quick Indian veg recipes masala, which provide proper flavors in dry sabji like Bindi, aloo, dana meethi, adrak -leshan, gaade ki sabji, etc.

Before preparing sabji masala discuss each ingredient, which drop in vegetarian Indian dishes more flavored enhance. In whole blog discuss each ingredient along pros and cos, so you individually justify it’s good to be prepared and give small space in the kitchen.

Everyone knows the ingredients in the form of veggies, spices, seeds, etc. But in the preparation of masala’s spices play vital role with proper measurements. We discuss proper measurement along the perfect masala like the market.

Before we move on full recipe, first clear out some questions about ingredients.

    1. In sabji masala some special types of ingredients are used?

    We all know lots of ingredients used by the Rajasthani Kings and queens. Each ingredients have own taste and flavors. So, when sprinkle the ingredients in vegetable, open all the flavors of taste.

    Whenever prepare masala, proper combination held and perform special preparation on these ingredients. Preparation elaborates perfect smell and flavor. When drop in the vegetable, simple dish converted into appreciation of the dish.

    2. How many ingredients added in the quick Indian veg recipe of Sabji Masala?

    In whole recipe of Sabji Masala, added daily routine ingredients like cumin seeds, coriander seeds, chana daal, urad daal, red chillies, sesame seeds or til, dry coconut, curry leaves, dried tarmarid.

    These all ingredients available easily in home kitchen, only the need of knock the caps of jars. Combine proper measurements and fill in the jar for a month. This is too beneficial to working ladies, who doesn’t have time to proper measurement or just start the cooking. 

    3. How many vegetables support this type of sabji masala?

    Basically, this masala used in dry vegetables means support as simple vegetable as eat. Whenever knock the jar, vegetable prepare like a restaurant. This masala is the best to all dried vegetables and raise unique flavor. When enjoyed with chapati open all the pores of the buds.

    4. Is this sabji masala durable for a month?

    Yes, due to the proper preparation increase the durability. Preparation is so unique along the tips and turns. Please read all about in full recipe of making sabji masala. For full recipe wait for sometime and get all the answers.

    5. Are all ingredients beneficial to health and explain in detail?

    Yes, every ingredient has unique quality. Now, let’s understand in detail

    1.      Coriander seeds: These seeds easily available in every kitchen in small or big jar. Its feature is advance, when regular sprinkle in the vegetables, it reduces the bad cholesterol and promote good cholesterol in the body. It is rich in copper, zinc, iron and other essential minerals, which increases RBC and improve the heart health.


    2.      Cumin seeds: In the masala box, these seeds take one of the places. When regular add in the vegetable, it improves the digestion and boost the memory system. It stops to promote cancer cells and reduce the pain with anti-inflammatory properties.


    3.      Chana Daal: This is the lentil, which add on every daal. It makes daal perfect and healthy. So, when add in the masala it is nutrition full masala and recipe contain lots of fiber along minerals. It works as protecting shield to all pregnant ladies. Because, it provides lots of folate acid and vitamin B9. It promotes and maintain new cells especially red blood cells, which is most important to all pregnant ladies.


    4.      Urad Daal: Varieties of urad lentils available all over the world. It’s come in two color black and white. So, in this recipe used white lentil and gain lots of nutrition. It is basically good source of protein, fat, carbohydrates and vitamin B.


    5.      Sesame seeds: Sesame seeds packed with healthy fats, proteins, vitamin B, minerals, fiber, antioxidants and other beneficial compounds. When regularly add in daily diet not in some parts of burger but also small amount in veggies. It low down the sugar level, arthritis pain and cholesterol level.


    6.      Curry leaves: Curry leaves help to get rid with lots of health issues, when eat small amount in daily diet. Easily available on every garden, when eat with water, it promotes upset stomach, remove the hair issues, etc. It supports the bowel movement and digestive enzymes.


    7.      Red chilies: Red chillie is the version of green chillie. When green chillies dried it convert into red one. It is packed with vitamin C, which promote the immunity system and combat chronic diseases. It consists powerful antioxidants, which clear out the blockage of blood vessel and arteries.


    Which type of preparation help to make quick Indian veg recipe of Sabji Masala?

    In whole preparation of sabji masala, roasting process take place. When perform dry roast, it improves the texture and deepen the flavors of profile. It provides the best advantage of natural sugar inside the food and give them sweeter and more concentrated taste.

    How much time take in whole preparation of sabji masala?

    In whole preparation of quick Indian veg recipe of sabji masala take maximum 15 minutes and minimum 10 minutes. Because roasting take 6 to 7 minutes. After roasting it come in the room temperature, then grinding take 2 minutes.

    These all are questions which click on every mind, before we process perform on any ingredients. Now we crack to learn how to prepare sabji masala recipe.

    Ingredients of sabji masala

    1 small bowl coriander seeds

    ¼ part of chana daal or 2 small spoons of chana daal

    ¼ part of urad daal or 2 small spoons of urad daal

    ¼ part of cumin seeds

    2 big spoon of white sesame seeds

    2 big spoons of dried coconut

    2 big table spoon of curry leaves

    1 small bowl dried red chillie (adjust accordingly)

    2 table spoons of dried tamarind (optional)

    1 tea spoon of turmeric powder

    1 tea spoon of Hing

    2 tea spoons of jaggery (optional)



    Preparation for dry roasting ingredients

    Take aluminum wok and put in low flame. When who heat up and leave the heat, put 1 small bowl of coriander seeds and stir it for 1 minute. Then add ¼ part of chana daal, ¼ part of urad daal and ¼ part of cumin seeds. Stir it until 4 to 5 minutes or get the smell of these ingredients. When smell spread all over means occur in next stage. After that add 2 big spoon of sesame seeds, 2 big spoon of white sesame seeds, 2 big spoons of dried coconut, 2 big spoon of curry leaves, 1 small bowl of red chillie powder. Stir it around 2 minutes and then add 2 table spoons of dried tamarind. Stir around 4 to 5 minutes more. When color goes into dark yellowish or brownish means it come in the final stage. On this stage close the flame and leave for rest means come in room temperature.

    Note: Stirring continuously, otherwise all ingredients get burn and flavors doesn’t reach properly.

    -        Dry roasting take place

    -        Roasting done in low to medium flame otherwise crunchiness doesn’t occur.

    -        When roasted in low flame it increases the durability of storing the masala.

    Preparation of grinding

    After all roasted ingredients come in the room temperature. Then transfer into grinder, add 1 tea spoon of Hing, 1 tea spoon of turmeric powder, 2 tea spoon of jaggery. Grind it like a powder. Now your sabji masala ready to sprinkle in your any vegetable.



    This is the blog which help to office going ladies, for preparing perfect sabji for all dearones. Firstly, talk about how sabji masala make the vegetable more valuable. Next spark on some questions of quick Indian veg’s recipe of Sabji Masala. Last Spark on full recipe of sabji masala. Please go through the recipe one time. I am sure you enjoyed vegetable a lot. Please share your views by writing comments.











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    Daal Bhati Churma