Grab Rajasthani food recipe of Mango Rice

Welcome to rajasthani18flavors.Today talking about Rajasthani food recipe of mango rice that is made of White rice + Mango(dasheri). So, be stay and know all about mango and rice, also cover calories about rice and mango, then pros and cos about mango, full mango rice recipe.

Rice is one of the healthy diets. All over the world, 90% of the people love to eat on daily basis. They prepare distinct dishes and present on daily diet.  Quality gives lot of proteins, minerals, vitamins, which is mandatory to over daily life routine.

Rajasthani Food recipe of mango rice enjoyed by Rajasthani Khadi, Punjabi Khadi etc.   According to the taste, people prepare it and enjoy it. Rice is like good food for getting nutrition. Light in weight, easy to digest and low fat.

    1. How many types of Mangoes available in world?

    Around 1000 of the varieties are available in the market. It is very difficult to discuss each of the mango along names. Its cultivation depends on Southeast Asia, United States, African countries. From these states mango transport all over the world.

    2. Which mango is best to eat?

    It is difficult to decide which mango is good or which is bad. Because every mango has own quality and own taste. Like mango

    -        Hapus and Alphonso are the most popular varieties of mango.

    -        Dasheri is most famous for rich and savory flavour.

    According to the taste we decide and enjoy the flavors.

    3. Is mango Good for Health?

    Yes, it’s good.

    Let us read some important facts about.

    Mango has pleasant flavors and aromatic. It rich in pre-biotic dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidant compound. When eat mango it boosts immunity, support heart, eye and improve hair, skin and digestive system.

    4. Calories Of Mango

    1 mango(100grams) consist 60 calories of energy. It is free for fat and cholesterol but rich in protein. Presence of vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin D is bump up.


    5. What is rice?

    Rice is the seed of the grass spices called as Oryza sativa. It is usually used species of genera zizania and porteresia.

    6. How many types of rice available?

    6000 types of different varieties available in the market. Most of the rice used by the people is basmati, Brown, jasmine and Arborio. According to the taste present in daily life?

    7. How many parts of the rice?

    Rice is made up of four parts. That parts are hull, bran, white rice and germ. Let’s start to learn in deep...

    1.     Hull = It is the outer most part, when consumption occur remove it.

    2.     Bran= This part is not removed in all rice. This section is usually tan coloured, its all depend on pigmentation of bran layer.

    3.     White rice= When bran and hull is removed. White rice remains. It is endosperm part of the rice which is consumed commonly.

    4.     Germ = It is rice kernel which is packed nutrients, vitamin and minerals.

    8. Calories in Rice

    One serving plate consist 80 calories combine with 1 gram of protein, 0.1 gram of fat and 18 grams of carbohydrate. Means it consist fat and cholesterol free diet.  

    9. Calories of Mango + Calories of Rice

    When we combine both calories in one diet, it gives 140 calories which is fat and cholesterol free. This is the one of the qualities of high protein diet.

    Summer season is there, mango is everywhere. 99% of people like to eat mango. When this flavors come in rice, it opens all the pours of the tongue.

     Increase the quality of the rice along mango, give new and unique taste to Rajasthani Food recipe. Indian people habit to eat dessert at the end of the daily meal, they definitely like high protein diet recipe.

    Those people want to lose weight they can easily include in our daily serving.

     See the full recipe of mango rice in mother style. Sweat Mango Rice except the culture of traditional food of Rajasthan. 

    So, up to reading you get full knowledge about rice and mango. So, be stay without wasting time start to learn the recipe.


    1 cup of raw rice

    2 table spoon Ghee

    1 end half cup of sugar

    1 mango

    For Garnishing all type of dry fruits which you like.



    Take one cup of raw rice and soak for 1 hours. After one hour take one pan and add 2 glasses of water. Put in high flame and wait to boil, after that add soak rice on it and cover with lid. After 6 to 7 minutes, you can see that rice are ripen it. Use sieve which has big holes and drop all the ripen rice on it.

    Now time to give mango flavor, take raw mango and peel it. Grind after peel the mango and make the pulp.

    Put big pan with high flame, add Ghee and wait for warm. After that add pulp, sugar and rice, stir it. See these all rice is properly stirring. After, stirring ripe into two to three minutes. Close the flame and wait to cool.

    For garnishing

    Take dry fruits and cut into small pieces. Use all the dry fruits for garnishing.

    After garnishing ready to serve.

    Note: Mango palp make without water.

    Stir lightly due to rice are not break.

    About blogger: 

    Mango rice is one of the favourite meals of mine. When summer season is running, my mother makes me rice for all family members. But my queen (mother) knows the choice and made me more.

    So, I eat next day also. Because, when put in refrigerator, it increases the taste and more flavoured rice welcome for tommy. I enjoyed the taste and love to eat. It works as a dessert, which open all the flavors of the tongue. After, marriage my daughter ready for giving company. She like a lot and eat with lots of fun.

     I learn Rajasthani Food recipe of mango rice from my mother and today I share with my blogger family. Sweet and simple dessert prepare small of efforts. 

    If sweet and simple recipe of mango rice like, please stay connect on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram.


    This blog helps to learn full recipe about Mango Rice. Also get full information about Mango and rice. Last learn Rajasthani Food recipe Mango Rice. If like my recipe please share your experience, by putting some comments.  





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