In 2021- Grab out Rajasthan famous food of Hari Mirchi Ka Achar

 Pickles is the way of eating any grains. Increase the flavors of taste and open more doors of distinct eating habits. At the time of snacks eating, it gives unique flavors and enhance the importance of pickles. Green chilli pickle is too spicy with taggy flavors. Most of the Rajasthani eat with Mathari, rest chapati, stuff paratha, plain paratha, puri, etc.

Rajasthani kitchen always offer so many types of pickles such as nimbu ka achar, kair ka achar, hari mirchi ka achar, aam ka achar, etc.

    1. Why eat Green Chilli?

    Eating chilli generate more good habits in our body

    -        Regarding skin glow and make the healthy.

    -         In terms of digestion, improve it and give the positive vibes of vitamin C.

    -          In terms of weight loss, it improves the excess fats and increase the metabolism in our body.

    -        For diabetic’s patient, if green chilly presence in daily diet improves the sugar level or we can say provide the balance for control sugar.

    Food those generate saliva on chewing, it opens more doors of improving digestive system. Rajasthani’s queens prepare green chilli pickle by follow Rajasthani Food recipe.     

     2. Why eat Green Pickle Achar?

    Many of the reasons of eating green Pickle like,

    -        It protects the disease like atherosclerosis.

    -        Reduce the blood cholesterol.

    -        Help to stop blood Clotting.

    3. Is it important to prepare Green Chilli pickle at home?

    No, it is not important. You can buy easily through market. There is lots of shop sell the packets and some pickle who sell at the rate of grams and Kgs. When prepare at home it gives more purified and fresher. Every part prepares with own hands and give the taste like Rajasthani Food recipe.

     Now discuss how to prepare Green Chilli Achar at home.

    4. Rajasthani Food Recipe of Hari Mirchi ka Achar (Green Chilli Ka Achar):


    250 Gram of Green Chilli

    Dry Spices

    2 Table spoon of Red Chilli powder

    Salt according to taste

    1 table spoon of Soof (aniseed)

    20 Gram of grated Mustard seeds like flour


    Preparation for preparing green Chilli for achar

    Take one basket add green chilli and wash properly. Put in sunlight for dry. If any moisture is their chilli is rotten down. After dry, put one cut in every chilli and leave the seeds.

    Note: At the time of leaving seeds, you can suffer from burn on hands. So, best option for leaving this situation is after complete the work you wash your hands with soap and apply some amount of ghee. Second option is making knead the dough.

    Preparation for preparing Masala

    Take one bowl, add grated mustard seeds, salt, red chilli and Soof. Mix well and taste your masala so you adjust the flavors by add on.   

    Preparation of filling the masala

    Take all chilies which prepare by leaving the seeds and masala. Put masala on chilli where we give the cut. Fill masala properly and put in jar. Same process does all the chilli one by one. Fill your jar for a month. Now your Chilli is ready to serve.

    Note: Use kitchen Chimta or spoon for leaving the chilly in the jar. Otherwise, chilies are spoil or rotten.

     This is so simple Rajasthani Food recipe of Green Chilli Achar. Is your choice you want to buy or prepare at home. One more recipe of eating green Chilli that is called as Mirchi ke Tipore. Rajasthani prepares at home, eating with Bati, Roti, Paratha, Puri, etc. Is your choice how much to make spicy.

    Let’s Check out:

    Rajasthani Food Recipe Mirchi Ke Tipore


    250 grams of Green Chilli

    Dry Spicy

    1 table spoon of red chilli powder

    1 table spoon of coriander powder

    ½ table spoon of turmeric powder

    ½ tea spoon of black salt

    ½ tea spoon of Rock salt

    Salt according to taste.

    Standing spicy

    1 table spoon of aniseeds (Soof)


    1 Lemon

    For Tadkka

    2 table spoon of vegetable oil

    1 pinch of Hing


    Preparations for chopping green chilli

    Take one basket, put all the green chilli and wash properly. Using scissor chopped chilli in small big pieces.

    Note: Scissor used due to not burn your fingers.

    Preparation for Tadkka

    Take one pan, put in high flame, add vegetable oil. Wait for temperature change, then add Hing and aniseeds. Cracking sound hear, put all the chopped green chilies. Add all dry spicy and mix well. Then cover with lid. Wait for 4 to 5 minutes, check the color of the chilli convert into yellow. Add the juice of lemon and mix well. Now Tipore is ready to serve.

    These are the two distinct recipes of green chilli. Now we spark on ingredients and understand how helpful for our body.

    1.      Mustard Seeds: This is most popular seeds prepare on mustards plants. It fights against so many diseases.

    -        Protect certain type of cancer.

    -        Low down the blood sugar level

    -        Protect against psoriasis.

    -        Reduce the symptoms of contact skin allergies

    -        Protect against the symptoms of allergies


    2.      Salt: If we want to remove completely on meal. It gives some negative impact on body. Because it generates:

    -        It balances the blood.

    -        Improve blood pressure

    -        Essential part of nerve and muscle functions.


    3.      Red Chilli: Health Benefits are


    -        Improve the digestion and heart health.

    -        Maintain blood Pressure

    -        Helps in weight loss

    -        Helps in Nasal Congestion

    -        Build immunity and improve the power of fighting disease.


    4.      Anise seeds: Rich in Nutrients.

    -        Reduce the symptoms of Depression

    -        Protect against stomach ulcer.

    -        Prevents the growth of Fungi and Bacteria

    -        Balance the blood sugar level.

    -        Reduce Inflammation.



    This is the blog where we talk about green chilli benefits and get the answer of why we want to eat the pickles and ripe green chilli. Next, we talk about number of ways of eating green chilli by following Rajasthani Food recipes. Later spark on ingredients and get the answers of why we want to eat these spicy. Read my blog and get the answers of so many questions. Then share your experience by writing comments. It is the motivation part for me.    

     Some Frequently Asked Questions

    1.  Does green chilli cause heart burn?

    Green chilli is good source of vitamin C and A which work as antioxidants and make digestive system effective. But, those food sit in the stomach for longer period increase heartburn risk like red chilli powder which contain capsaicin enhance slow digestion.

    2.  Is green chilli provide bad effect on health?

    Chilli is coming as spice, one of the studies says that too much oxidation of chilli provides memory loss. Green chilli is rich source of beta-carotene, antioxidants and endorphins. Whereas, red chilli powder consumed in excess provide internal inflammation which result shows peptic ulcers.

    3. Is green chilli converted into red chilli?

    Yes, when green chilli ripens out it take the color of red. Just like fruits example raw mango ripe into mango.

    4. Does green chilli help in fighting in cancer?

    Yes, one study says that capsaicin compound leads the death of prostate cancer cells. Researchers research on mice and says that 80 percent of cancers cells are dead.

























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    July 7, 2021 at 5:44 PM ×

    I definitely try at home and prepare. I Lpve to Mirchi ka achar...🥰

    Congrats bro M.Tech you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...

    Daal Bhati Churma