Enjoy amazing vegan Dish recipe of Raw Mango Chutney


Welcome to Rajasthani18flavors, summer season running all over the world. Market and stalls fill with Raw mango. So, don’t do anywhere, be stick and get full knowledge of amazing vegan Dish recipe of Raw mango chutney.

Summer, where sun touches the sky and heat absorb by the body. How to protect these types of seasons naturally.

Because sitting with air conditioner at home is too typical. There is need of one simple step which give feeling of coolness. People enjoyed with Khoba roti, lachha Partaha, missie puri and rice.

 Raw Mango is one of the vegetables which protect these types of situations. Raw mango consists tangy sweet flavour, which is good for health. By following amazing vegan Dish recipe, prepare spicy Chutney.

Now up to the reading you aware about why eat the mango in summer days. So, be continue and get more knowledgeable.

Now see.

    1. How Tangy sweet mango good for health?

    Raw mango rich in vitamin A and vitamin C that enhance hormonal system. It increases the immunity, healthy for heart, prevent eyes, good for teeth, etc. Prevent for dehydration, constipation, bloating, indigestion. Make the body bones clearer and stronger.

    2. How many parts of tangy mango consist?

    In all of the mango consist three parts like flesh, skin and pit.

    -        Skin is the part which is seen by everyone. For using peel, it and used.

    -        After peeling flesh is seen, which is eaten by everyone and it is the soft part of the fruit.

    -        Pit is one of the parts which harder and bitter. People discarded and available in the centre of any fruit.

    3. Is Tangy mango help to weight loss program?

    Yes, See How.

    Raw mango boost metabolism that burns body calories. Presence of sugar is less which make the high protein diet.

    4. How many calories Raw mango consist?

    It consist 60 calories along zero cholesterol and fat. Vitamin A and C present in high range and make digestive system stronger. Some amount of hard work and prepare Rajasthani Food Recipe of muraba which stored along high nutrition full diet.

    5. Is any disadvantages of eating Mango?

    Yes, if overeating the mango cause indigestion and irritation in the throat. So, take care about.

    We share some of the Rajasthani Food Recipe using tangy mango which eat any of the snacks and chapatis. The name of the dish is called as Raw mango chutney.

    Chutney gives more flavors in the terms of sweet, tangy and spicy. Each byte opens all the taste buds and give new flavor to our tongue. Chutney combines with combination of pure ghee and black cumin. Flame enhances the storage quality of the meal and sit on the jars. We can easily store in a month.



    1 Raw Mango (if big take one otherwise two)

    1 table spoon black cumin

    2 table spoon Ghee

    ½ table spoon chili powder or chili flex (spicy you can adjust according to your taste)

    Salt according to taste

    2 table spoon sugar (adjust according to your taste)

    1 pinch of Hing


    Method of making pulp

    ·        Take Raw mango

    ·        peel it

    ·        Cut into small pieces and leave the seeds

    ·        Grind it

    ·        Make the pulp

    Method of making Chutney

    ·        Take one pan and put in High flame

    ·        Add two table spoon Ghee

    ·        Wait for hot

    ·        Add black cumin and Hing

    ·        Sound of cracking hear

    ·        After that add pulp, sugar and salt

    ·         Wait for the boil until ghee is coming to the upper layer of the pan.

    Note: Don’t leave on high flame, always stir it.

    For completing all the steps, our chutney ready to serve.

    Chutney as name provide boldness in whole meal. Because ingredients are sharp and elaborate all Rajasthani Food recipe flavors. Sometime vegetable cannot fulfil tongue requirement, but when chutney add along vegetable it makes the meal more energetic and unbelievable. Main ingredients of chutney support fruits, vegetables, leaves and all.

    When prepare Rajasthani Food Recipe of chutney support two process boiling and grinding. Any type of chutney prepares by grinding, but boiling is depending on main ingredients.

    When provide heat, it opens more flavors and increase values like garlic, ginger, raw mango, tomato, red chilli chutney all need flame but when talk about coriander, mint, curry leaves it doesn’t need flame.

    When talk about coconut, it’s only need of tadka for open the flavors. All ingredients consist own requirements and we are the habitual for all.

    About Blogger: 

    This is the recipe, which I liked a lot. Putting in the refrigerator and enjoy with Mathari is the best part of consumption of chutney. I prepare lots of and fill jar. After the meal enjoyed as a dessert.

    So, up to whole reading of blog, you aware about amazing vegan Dish recipe of Mango chutney. Get more simple recipes join on FacebookPinterestTwitterInstagram.    


    In this blog explain how summer come with varieties of meals which protect from sunlight. When present in daily meals how beneficial they are. Next talk about some important points about raw mango. Last learn how to prepare amazing vegan Dish recipe of Mango Chutney. All steps are so simple and easy, try at home and share your views by writing comments.


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    Daal Bhati Churma