In covid Pandemic – Enjoy quick Indian veg recipes of Khadi

Everyone loves to eat quick Indian veg recipes, but “How” body make nutrition full. Today’s pandemic arises the question mark on this nutrition. 

Nutrition full diet with low fat is big deal. We never forget how maintain healthy and wealthy diet with lots of protein and minerals.

 Covid pandemic rises so many questions regarding body. Taking full of nutrition help to beat virus which attack on the body.

Never full stop to take nutrition, focus on diet, help to deal with today’s situations. Every man needs 46 grams and women 36 grams of protein. 

Every good step of how to make quick Indian veg recipes opens the pandemic locks.

For breaking these questions, today we talk one of the nutrition full, low fat vegetable Rajasthani food recipes of KHADI. Using spicy, rich mixer of Gram flour give new flavors of nutrition. And body easily digest and spicy help to prevent the virus. 

Because how to make Rajasthani food of Khadi recipe come with numerous spicy like turmeric, mustard seeds, Hing, Curry leaves, fenugreek seeds. All these spicy and flour come in butter milk or curd. 

That butter milk sour in taste. Basically, hot butter milk used in this recipe which help to digest easily. Spicy like turmeric prevent for cough and cold which play most vital role in this pandemic. Medicines are available but natural spicy are best formula to protect our body.

    1. How many Calories contain 1 eating bowl of Khadi?

    1 eating bowl contain 259 calories. Out of which 91 percent of carbohydrates, 38 percent of proteins and remaining percent is the combination of fat, fibers and cholesterol.  One bowl of Kadhi fulfil 13 percent of daily calories requirements of standard adult diet of 2,000 calories.

      Medical science is so vast but natural nutrition of the body is tremendous job. Each spicy have unique and natural specialty. Mustard seeds are highly protein and nutty in taste. Never image how change the flavor of flour. Every seven flavor of taste are open and make quick indian veg recipes of Kadhi with full of nutrition. Best part of seeds is help to digest.

    Curry leaves enhance the numerous properties like stopping diarrhoea, hair growth, eyesight, etc. When comes in khadi recipe, it enhances the taste and make best one. Each spicy enhance distinct taste.

    2. Is low fat plain Kadhi good for health?

    Yes, this is good for health. Let see...

    Buttermilk: Buttermilk is thicker that milk because it doesn’t contain butter. It rich in protein, mineral, vitamin but low in calories.

          Fats: It helps to reduce the weight. Bacteria produce is lactic acid, pH level is reduced with 4.4-4.8 and all primary proteins of milk are available.

         Besan or Gram Flour: 100 grams of Besan flour consist 10 grams of dietary fiber and 22 grams of protein which is higher than wheat flour. Percentage of carbohydrate is more up to 57grams/100grams.

         Coriander Leaves: Coriander works as antioxidants, it contains vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, Zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. Good for those patients which deal with high blood pressure and kidney related disease

    Rajasthani needs more flavors of taste in any bite. Along plain rice needs pakoda Khadi which increase healthy texture of grain. Even my daughter eats pakoda khadi with rice. In a week I prepare rice 3 times and always make Khadi with pakoda. When drop pakoda in rice it opens all seven tastes of tongue. Because if prepare khadi by following proper steps, combination of both flavors raises. Now discuss pakoda khadi along Rajasthani Food recipe. All ingredients match the plain khadhi along little different process.

    For preparing Rajasthani Khadi: -


    500 ML of Butter Milk

    2 table spoons of gram flour

    2 table spoon vegetable oil or 2 table spoons of ghee

    4 to 5 of curry leaves

    Small amount of Coriander leaves 

    Dry spices

    ¼ table spoon of turmeric powder

    ½ table spoon of chili powder

    1 table spoon of coriander powder

    ¼ table spoon of fenugreek seed

    ½ table spoon of mustard seed

    Salt according to taste…

    1 pinch of Hing


    Method for preparing celery

    Take a big bowl, put sour butter milk on it.

     Now add gram flour and whisk well otherwise lumps occur in celery.

     Now add ¼ tea spoon of turmeric powder and salt on it. 

    Again, whisk properly so ingredients dissolve perfectly.

    Method for making masala celery

    Take one small bowl, add all the ingredients with ¼ glass of water. Then mix well with the help of spoon.

    Method for given tadka in celery

    Now take one pan and put in high flame, then add ghee, Wait for temperature change. When oil goes hot put Hing, mustard seeds and curry leaves. When cracking sound of seeds hear means seeds coming in ripen stage. Now add all the masala celery and wait for the ripening all the spicy. When oil is separated to all the ingredient add the celery of butter milk. Stir it until the celery goes into boiling stage. After that stop stirring and leave at low flame for cook well. Wait until oil is seen on the upper layer of the khadi. At last, add the coriander leaves after close the flame. 

    Now ready to serve

    Note: Coriander leaves add after the flame is close, otherwise leaves flavors is not come in proper way.

    This is the way of making sweet and simple curry which Rajasthani prepare at home. Combine with lots of snacks like pakoda, chilla and ingredients like Magordi. When prepare pakoda deep fry recipe take place and in chilla shallow fry on pan. And talking about Magordi roasted on slow flame, then add in the boiling stage of khadi. We learn all these recipes in detail.

    Now let starts to learn how to prepare plain and crispy pakoda at home.

    Recipe of Pakoda Khadi

    Ingredients of making Pakoda

    6 table spoons of Besan

    Dry spices

    1 pinch of turmeric powder

    ¼ table spoon of red chilli powder

    Salt according to taste

    ½ table spoon of ajwain

    1 pinch of Hing

    ½ glass of water

    ½ table spoon of aniseed

    For Frying

    1 bowl of vegetable oil


    Preparation for preparing pakoda celery

    Take one bowl, add besan and all ingredients. Mix well using hands or spoon. Take small-small amount of water and prepare batter of pakodha.

    Preparation of frying the pakoda

    After batter prepare, add oil in pan and put in high flame. Wait for temperature change, then using finger or table spoon put batter in the oil. Then slow down the flame and leave for proper cooked means color changed when pakoda properly cooked (dark yellowish). When properly cooked turn the side of pakoda and again follow the same process. When cooked properly on both sides leave the pakoda from the oil.

    Note: When take batter in the spoon, pakoda made in proper size.  

    -        If we cannot slow the flame when pakoda made, its raw in the middle. And we cannot get the taste of proper cooking.

    This is the Rajasthani Food recipe of pakoda making. Now most important think about Pakoda khadi is which time drop the pakoda in the Kadhi. In last stage of the Khadi when all the oil left and come in the upper layer. That stage is perfect for dropping all the pakodas. While 2 to 3 boils of all pakoda which get soft. Then close the flame and your Khadi is ready to serve.

    In celery of besan making added so many ingredients, which make the perfect taste and help to easy digest. We learn more about all the ingredients step by step.

    1.     Aniseeds seeds:

    Benefits – This is the ingredients which perform flavors in any grains and stuffing. It’s sweet, aromatic taste resemble the taste of black liquorice. It is mostly used in dairy products, gelatins, meats, candies and breath freshners.

    Side-effects – It provide estrogenic-like effects, which is harmful to people who suffer from hormone-sensitive conditions such as hormone depended cancers (breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, etc.), endometriosis and uterine fibroids.

    2.     Ajwain Seeds:

    Benefits – Active enzymes in ajwain improve the flow of stomach acids. That help to relieve the indigestion, bloating and gas. That plant help to treat peptic ulcers as well as sores in the esophagus, stomach and intestines. It also helps for supplying breast milk in new born mothers. Mothers can consume seeds by soaking in the water.

    Side – effects – Ajwain provide allergic on peoples like runny nose, rash or hives. Excess consumption of Ajwain can make the skin more sensitive to sun, which increases the risk of skin cancer.

    3.     Salt:

    Benefits – Salt consist essential minerals, which is important to electrolytes in the body. Helped with fluid balance, nerve transmission and muscle functions. Some amount of salt naturally found in food.

    Side-effects – Consuming too much salt provide swollen on hands and feet for short duration. People bloated because of the water retention means feel thirsty after salty meal.

    4.     Red chilli:

    Benefits – It is a good source of vitamin C that support to increase immunity system and combat chronic disease. Help to prevent heart alignments. Powerful antioxidants in red chilli that helps to clearing blockages in blood vessels and arteries.

    Side-effects- According to body to body eating chilli cause intestinal distress. Symptoms include abdominal pain, burning sensation held in guts, cramps and painful diarrhoea. This is the most common in people with irritable bowel syndrome.

    5.     Hing:

    Benefits – It is rich in digestion, which relief from the stomach problems like gastritis, bloating, abdominal pain, flatulence and promote overall digestive health. Due to the anti-microbial properties, prevents the growth of flora in intestines and reduce the chance of stomach infections.

    Side-effects – It provide swelling in the lips, burping, intestinal gas, diarrhea, headache, convulsions, blood disorders and other side effects.


    How much time take for pakoda and Khadi making?

    Properly Rajasthani Food Recipe of Khadi cooked all over in 30 minutes and preparation takes 10 minutes. When put in the flame it gets to 10 minutes to boil, get ready take more 10 minutes to complete cook. So, overall take final 30 minutes to get ready. When add Pakoda in the khadi need for time. Because in the pakoda it takes around 20 minutes for cooked and 5 minutes for preparation. Total time takes around 25 minutes for pakoda making. In whole pakoda Khadi it takes 40 minutes to prepared.

    This is the Rajasthani Food recipe of pakoda making at home. These pakoda used not only in Khadi but also enjoy with chutneys. Small treat with all dearones make big moments for memorize. Pakoda prepare at varieties of combinations like onion, potatoes, green chilli, etc. For preparing these types of pakoda at home by following some simple and easy steps like:

    -        Take onion, peel it and cut into similar slices.

    -        In these slices spread small pinch of chat Masala.

    -        Then used same celery of the besan and drop all the slices.

    -        In each slices coat the besan and drop in the hot oil.

    -        If flame goes high, slow down the flame and leave for frying properly.

    -        When colour of the pakoda goes dark yellow, leave from the oil and your pakoda’s ready to serve.

    -        Same process held for all the veggies for preparing pakodas.


    How to prepare Rajasthani Food recipe of Magordi Khadi

    Monsoon season running everywhere. There is no possibility of Rajasthani people prepared Khadi without any grains. Adding Magordi in khadi open more flavors and increase the taste. Homemade Magordi is highly nutrient and make the body healthy. When combined both 178 calories consist in 1 serving bowl and make the meal nourishment full. Eat with Daliya, Khichdi, Chapati, rice, etc. Magordi lovers always like this combination of food. Ring the bell of jar and open the cap, used small amount and make perfect Rajasthani Recipe. Combine in daily plate and make the perfect meal for all lovers.  

    Start the recipe and solve the question how to add Magordi in Khadi.


    1 bowl of Magordi

    1 table spoon vegetable oil


    Preparation for Breaking the Magordi

    Take Magordi, put all the Magordi in slap. Using rolling pin break in small -small pieces. So, at the time of cooking, it cooked as fast as possible.

    Preparation for roasting the Magordi

    After breaking all the Magordi, take one pan, add oil and put in high flame. When temperature change, put Magordi and slow down the flame by following few steps:

    -        First drop bigger size Magordi, stir it.

    -        After 2 minutes, put small size and stir it.

    -        Again after 2 minutes, put smaller size and stir it.

    Stir process is going on until it takes the color of golden brown. After taking golden brown color put in boiling Khadhi.  Wait for proper cooking of Magordi. It takes around 15 minutes for taking proper texture.

    Note: Stir is mandatory otherwise all Magordi burn it.        

    -        Magordi is added when Khadi takes the boiling stage and ready to cooked in low flame.

    How much time consumed by Magordi Khadi?

    After roasting the Magordi, it gets the texture of crunchy and goes raw into ripen stage. When drop in the khadi texture goes to soft and goes into mouth all pours open along the Rajasthani taste. Going in ripen stage it takes the time up to 15 to 20 minutes. Because crunchiness goes high, come in soft stage it takes time. So, overall time it takes 50 minutes. After 50 minutes enjoy Rajasthani Food recipe of Magordi khadi with lots of Rajasthani flavors.

    Is it easy to prepare Magordi khadi?

    Yes, by following quick and simple steps Magordi Khadi prepared. It enjoys with chapati’s, puri, rice, etc.

    Now move one more ingredient that is besan ka chilla. Prepare at low flame and make chilla small and big size. That is our choice. Now start how to prepare Rajasthani Food recipe of Chilla.

    Recipe of Chilla

    1 bowl of besan

    5 table spoon of vegetable oil

    Dry spices

    1 table spoon of red chilli powder

    Salt according to taste

    1 pinch of Hing

    1 table spoon aniseeds

    1 glass of water


    Preparation for making celery

    Take one deep bowl, add besan and all the dry spices. By adding ½ glass of water make the smooth celery by mixing spoon.

    Note: Use water in small – small amount other celery doesn’t make proper way.

    Preparation for making chilla

    Take one tawa and put in high flame. Then add one table spoon of vegetable oil. Wait for temperature change, then add celery with the help of spoon and spread on overall tawa (or you can spread chilla in small size). Slow down the flame and leave for cook. It takes 10 minutes to cook and then turn to other side. Same process follows and chilla ready to add in the Khadhi. It added at the last stage of the khadhi when khadhi left at the oil. It takes 2 minutes to get soft. Now chilla khadhi ready to serve.

    These are all combinations which Rajasthani eat along the Khadhi.


     Check out quick indian veg recipes of Plain Kadhi, chilla khadhi, Magordi khadhi and pakoda Khadi. Lots of flavor with simple spicy. Try at home it is too easy to made. This simple recipe come from my Nani's time and still same recipe I follow. If you like please comment and share your experience.




    Daal Bhati Churma