2021 Rajasthani Food recipe of Amla Ka Muraba

 1.5 years of pandemic make so many changes in every age life. Every people suffer and faces nutrition gap in our day life. How fulfill and deal the virus with ease. Big question raises and want solutions without medicines. Virus automatically generate deficiency and low down the body health.

 Every point needs more natural and simple techniques which generate positive vibes in our body and detox the body like detox drinks. Amla one of the best remedies to deal this situation. Single fruit fulfill so many deficiencies of the body. Those patients who suffer from this virus get best solution to fulfill the situation.

Interesting thing about amla is, it open so many ways of eating. Eat like amla candy, amla pickle, amla Muraba, amla vegetable, amla juice, etc. Rajasthani kitchen queens know every step of preparation and covert into Rajasthani Food recipe. 

For preparation of every recipe matter proper measurement of ingredients and fill the jar for store. Rajasthani kitchen racks always fill with this type of food. When refrigerators are empty, these racks play important role. Even not only amla pickles but also green chilli pickle, lemon pickle, leswa pickle, Kair pickle, raw mango pickle completes the space of racks and fulfill the deficiency of the body.

Today, in this blog learn about how prepare the alma Muraba by follow the Rajasthani food recipe and get more nutrition in single preparations. When bite single clove of alma achieves better health and more powerful and glowing skin. Consume alma in any aspects is too important.

    1. What are the best benefits of eating alma daily?

    So, many benefits of alma generated like

    -         It is a good source of vitamin C and works as antioxidants agent.

    -        It promotes the liver health.

    -        Supports for healthy digestion.

    -        Enhance better heart health.

    -        Maintain hair growth.

    -        Improve kidney health.

    -        Help to deal with infections and prevent chest congestion

    -        Help in blood purifier.

    -        Weight management.

    -        Improve eyesight.

    2. How many calories of amla consist?

    1 amla consist 20 calories, out of which 19 grams of carbohydrate, 0.8 grams of protein and remaining calories come from the fat. It fulfills one percent of the daily calorie’s requirements of standard adult diet of 2000 calories.

    3. Is eating alma Muraba good for health?

    Yes, let’s understand in deep

    The best part of alma Muraba is, it rich in vitamin A, E and C which boost the immunity system. When eat daily improve the body ability and prevent with diseases.

    4. How many calories of alma Muraba consist?

    Amla Muraba consist 54 calories. Out of which 53 calories of carbohydrate, 1 calories of proteins and 0 calories of fat. It fulfills 3 percent of the daily values requirements as per the standard adult diet of 2,00 calories. As per see the figures Muraba is high in protein due to the presence of sugar. Due to the high in consumption should be avoided by the diabetic patients.

    Recipe of Amla Muraba by following Rajasthani Food Recipe


    1 kg Alma

    1.5 Kg of sugar

    1 tea spoon of saffron

    1 table spoon of cardamon powder


    Preparations for pinch (gobna) the alma

    Take all the amla and wash with water. With the help of fog pinch, remind that pinch all the sides of the alma. Then put in water for 3 days because alma is in astringent taste. Due to this process astringent taste remove it and when goes in final stage, it gives proper taste.

    Preparation of boiling

    After 3 days, drain the alma. Then take bowl and fill half of the water. Put in high flame, when water consistency change into boiling. Put all the amla and cover with lid. Within 5 minutes close the flame and open the lid.

    Note: In this stage texture of the amla doesn’t goes to the soft. Otherwise, alma break into small pieces.

    Preparation of final stage

    Take one big container, add all the sugar and put in high flame. Stir continuously until sugar dissolve properly. Then add alma and mix well. Stir process continuously going on until sugar syrup take the texture of one thread. Hardly it takes 20 minutes to complete the process. Then close the flame and put saffron in the syrup. After that mix well and automatically saffron leave the color. Then put cardamom powder and mix it. Now Muraba ready to serve.



    Nowadays I am also eating Amla ka Muraba because I face the issue of thyroid. In previous days my thyroid issues go high. One doctor recommends me along the medicines eat alma in empty stomach. And, really it works a lot, within a month I recovered. Then I learn the recipes and prepare for myself. All steps are so simple and easy. Prepare at home and share your views by writing comments. Also join on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Instagram











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    July 22, 2021 at 9:03 AM ×

    Great 👍

    Congrats bro M.Tech you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...

    Daal Bhati Churma