In 2021 Grab 5-Minute Snacks With Amazing vegan Dish recipe of Onion Rings

Welcome to our blog, today we talk about how fulfill small hunger with healthy snacks. Don’t go anywhere just stay and learn amazing vegan Dish recipe of onion rings. And enjoyed at the time of breakfast like pasta, pav bhaji, chole bhature, poha, utapam, etc. 

Today cover some points about onion rings, ingredients used in onion rings and also cover how many numbers of rings present in diet. Is it beneficial to eating regularly?

Now, start to discuss and cover all the parts. When small hunger bells on tummy and always sound, fill my hunger. That time ears of the kitchen queen, Mom’s of the child raise and find to enhance 5-minute recipes. People enjoy with tomato chutney, green chutney and mint chutney. So, this blog is too helpful for all mom’s and kitchen queens.

Amazing vegan dish recipe of onion rings start with rings and end with rings. Because chopping held in the form of ring and deeps frying coated with grains make perfect combination of ring.

    1. How onion rings prepared?

    Onion ring is all game of chopping the onion in ring style. When ring made perfectly means all process goes in perfect form. After that provide perfect coating of all-purpose flour of Maida, corn flour along the bread crumbs.

    Then held deep fry process which give proper crispy. People enjoy with tea time and get best option for filling small hunger.

    2. Is onion good for health?

    Yes, let’s start to understand.

    Onion is one of the root vegetables which packed with lots of benefits. It consists high antioxidants and sulfur containing compounds. Research proved that onions linked to improve bone health, lower blood sugar level and reduce the risk of cancer.

    3. Is onion bad for health?

    Eating lots of onion generate gastrointestinal distress. People those sensitive with glycemic index can irritate bowel syndrome and acid reflux, resulting generate symptoms like gas, bloating, diarrhea and constipation.

    4. How many ingredients supported in the Preparation of amazing vegan Dish recipe of onion ring?

    Onion ring is supported four types of ingredients. Main ingredient is onion, then celery made with the combination of Maida and corn flour. Dry coat provides by the bread crumbs.

    In the celery ingredients are added like salt, red chilli powder and herbs for perfect taste.

    When deep fry does, provide perfect texture with crunch and enjoyed on small hunger.

    So, up to this reading, you get the idea about ingredients and how main ingredient helpful for body or not. So, be stick and continue the reading because next we cover more points and full recipe along proper measurements.

    5. Are ingredients providing benefit for our body?

    Yes, ingredients consist lots of benefits, let’s start to understand in deep.

    Maida: Maida is refining flour which does not consist any nutrition value. But due to this provide plenty of calories. It is made up of wheat grain that contain high amount of many nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, magnesium and selenium.

    When regular eating raises bad cholesterol and makes bad fat, clog arteries, blood sugar, disrupts blood sugar, keeps you hungry and make the crave for sweets. That causes mood swing and ruins health, looks and relationship.

    After knowing all about Maida, strike the question why we eat Maida. It consists high GI (glycerin index), its quick digestive and spike blood sugar level. It releases sugar into blood stream quickly.

    Corn Flour: It is excellent alternative of white/wheat flour. Best used in baked goods, gravies and also eliminates inflammation causing foods from diet resulting healthy gut.

    Corn flour rich in fiber and plant compounds that aid to digest and improve eye health. It consists high starch which spike blood sugar and prevent weight loss when consumed in excess.


    Pizza Herbs: Consumption of mix herbs help to prevent and manage heart disease, cancer and diabetics. It reduces blood clot and provide anti inflammatory and anti-tumor properties. One of the researches says that garlic, linseeds, fenugreek seeds and lemon grass help to low down the cholesterol.

    When we add Pizza herbs, it proposes lots of health effects. One of the studies says that, it provides best treatment in prostate cancer and second treatment provide leading cause of cancer.

    These are all about ingredients. Now without wasting a time start to learn Rajasthani Food recipe of Onion Rings.


    1 bowl of Maida

    2 small table spoons of corn flour

    1 big bowl of breadcrumbs

    Oil of frying

    1 glass of water


    2 onions

    Dry Ingredients

    Salt according to taste

    1 small table spoon of red chilli powder (Adjust according to taste)

    1 small table spoon of mix herbs


    Preparation for chopping onion

    Take onion, peel it and wash properly. Then take peel onion and cut horizontally into small-small slices. With the help of light hands leave the rings in slices and store in one plate.

    Note: Don’t cut into vertical direction because it doesn’t prepare rings properly.

    -        When try to leave the ring be careful otherwise ring get break.

    Preparation for mixing ingredients

    Take one deep bowl, add 1 small bowl of Maida, 2 small table spoon of corn flour, Salt according to taste, 1 table spoon of red chilli powder, 1 small table spoon of mix herbs. With the help of spoon mix well.

    Note: At this stage don’t add water, mix without add water.

    Preparation for dry coating of rings

    Now, take one ring and dry coat because when add on celery, it perfectly catches the paste and make more perfect.

    This process follows for all the rings.

    Preparation for making celery

    Take mixing ingredients bowl, add water in small-small amount and stir it. Prepare celery not thick and not thin so when coated properly cover the onion rings.

    Preparation for coating into breadcrumbs

    After coated in celery, coated ring drops into breadcrumb bowl and coat it using fog.

    Note: With the help of fog do this process, it makes faster and hands get not messy.

    Preparation for frying the rings

    After coated in breadcrumbs, immediately drop on the hot oil and deep fry do. Within the interval of 3 to 4 minutes, your breadcrumbs ready to serve.

    This is the amazing vegan Dish recipe with detail. Please don’t go just follow-on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and twitter. If any query related to recipe just type on comment box. If like my recipe just comment on comment box, also share the pics.


    In this blog we talk about all onion rings. First spark on how fil small hunger in less efforts. Next talk about some questions and last talk about full recipe of onion ring.


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    Daal Bhati Churma