Rajasthani Food recipe - Chhachh Ki Magordi


Rajasthani’s queens like to prepare food at home. Always do hard work for preparation. They never argue for preparing dishes for dear ones.  Always try to prepare high protein diet in small amount of money. One think keeps in mind, that how I maintain the kitchen. Rajasthani cuisine supports more homemade vegetables like papad Magordi, plain Magordi, kachi Magordi, etc. People like to eat vegetable by following Rajasthani Food recipe every day. Homemade vegetables more presence in meal in comparison to regular vegetables. Rajasthani fills the jar and store for a month. According to Rajasthani recipe prepare within a 5 to 6 minutes and eat with Plain Chapatis, bajra Chapati, Bajra Khichdi, Plain Khichdi, chawal daal khichdi, etc.

    1. How to prepare Magordi at home?

    Preparation of Magordi is too easy to made. Basically, it is two type Masala and plain Magordi. In my last blog I already tell full recipe of Masala Magordi. All spicy are simple and digestive, as result it generate positive vibes on the body. Making, plain Magordi is too simple without spicy prepare at home. Fill the jar and eat for a month. Some people leave the Rajasthani cuisine for jobs and any other reasons. They also take with him and store for a year. Means, those area where we cannot get easily vegetable Magordi is the best option for getting nutrition.

    2. How to prepare Plain Magordi?


    1 Kg of any daal

    Note: Amount for daal adjust with own requirement. Here I am discussing 1 Kg.

    Dry Spicy

    Salt According to taste

    50 Grams of fennel seeds (Soof)


    Preparation for washing Daal

    Take one deep bowl add all daal and soak overnight or 5 to 6 hours in water. Because daal properly take own shape and remove the dust particles. In morning or after 5 to 6 hours wash properly with water like wash the clothes using hands. Continuously change the water until we get proper transparent color.

    Preparation for Grind the daal

    After washing time to Grind and make thick batter. When start grinding try to use less water and consistency is thick. Because at the time of preparing, easily come in the circular shape. Use deep bowl for putting batter.

    Preparation for mixing dry spicy

    In thick batter add salt, Soof and mix well. Using big spoon mix it properly.

    Preparation for giving circular shape

    Take sieve big size spoon and put small amount of batter on the top. With the help of hands rub the batter on any clear plastic or cloth. Same size Magordi are drop on that plastic or cloth. Keep in the Terrance on sunlight for 3 to 4 days. Magordi automatically left the space when they dry. After that left for one day in the sunlight so all the moisture absorb. After that, you fill the jar and store for a month or the years.

    3. Which Magordi is good for health and how?

    The Answer is Both, Let’s understand in depth

    Magordi are good because ingredients are same, only spicy difference. In Rajasthan plain Magordi given after the pregnancy. Rajasthani elder ladies think it’s too healthy after pregnancy and easy to digest. As we know that after the pregnancy, baby feed and consume protein and minerals through Mumma. So, elder ladies keep in mind and prepare food for her. Using Soof as a spicy, help to clear the tommy and sharp the digestive system.

    Masala Magordi is prepare for regular eating. It’s too spicy and open all the pours of the taste. Rajasthani cuisine like to eat spicy and silky texture. When Chapati dip in vegetable and go in mouth. Open all seven flavors it gives satisfied meal. Rajasthani’s queens prepare by following Rajasthani food recipe with combinations of veggie like papad Magordi, Plain Magordi, Kachi Magordi, Chhachh ki Magordi. Only quantity of the spicy measure according to the taste.

    Now we discuss few Rajasthani Food Recipe of Chhachh is Magordi. In previous blog we discuss two recipes of Magordi. Read it and try at home.

    4. Recipe of Chhachh is Magordi


    1 bowl of Magordi


    6 to 7 Cloves of Garlic (chopped or paste)

    For Tadkka

     2 table spoon of Vegetable oil

    1 pinch of Hing

    1 Tea spoon of Cumin Seeds

    2 glasses of Water

    ½ Kg of Chhachh

    Note: Taggy (Khatti) flavor you adjust by dropping water. If more taggy add water.

    Dry Spicy

    1 tea spoon of Turmeric

    1 table spoon of Coriander Powder

    1 table spoon of Red Chilli (adjust according to taste)

    Salt According to Taste

    For garnishing

    Some chopped coriander leaves




    Preparation for Breaking Magordi

    Take 1 bowl of Magordi and put on slap or flat area. Using rolling pin break into small pieces.

    Preparation for roasting the Magordi

    Take one pan, add 1 table spoon of oil, wait for temperature change, after that add crushed Magordi. Steps follow for roasting.

    First drop big piece of Magordi and stir until it takes light brown color.

    After that add smaller size, again stir until light brown color.

    At last drop powder part and stir until all the shape take proper or same color.

    Preparation for boiling the Magordi

    Take one Pan or pressure cooker add 2 glasses of water. Put on high flame and wait for boil. Then add salt and turmeric and all the roasted Magordi. Mix well, cover with lid and slow down the flame. Wait 5 to 6 minutes you see that Magordi is cooked properly. Also check by pressing one piece of Magordi through the finger. If mashed means cooked well.

    Note: Cover with the lid because it helps to cook fast and save the fuel

    Prepare Chhachh for Tadkka

    Take Chhachh and sieve out. So, Malai remove.

    Prepare Paste for Dry Masala

    Take small bowl add ¼ glass of water and all dry spicy. Mix well

    Note: Paste we prepare because Chhachh never tear out.

    Preparation for Tadkka

    Take one pan, add oil and open the high flame. Wait for temperature change, then add Hing and cumin seeds. Cracking sound hear add the paste of all the dry Masalas and paste or chopped Garlic. Masala is left the oil, add sieve chhachh, stir continuously otherwise chhachh tear it. When gets the boil, left to stir, then add boil Magordi and stir it. Cook on low flame. After 5 to 6 minutes, you see that all oil come on upper side of pan. At this stage close the flame and spread some coriander leaves.

    Now your Magordi is ready to serve.


    In this blog we talk about Queens of Kitchen, how prepare vegetable on any aspects. By doing lots of hard work prepare Home Made Magordi and fill the jar. Later talk about why after pregnancy women eat Rajasthani Food recipe of Magordi. At last spark of Chhachh Magordi recipe. Each step explains, so try at home and share your experience by writing comments.    





















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