In Covid -19 pandemic grab detox drink along Rajasthani Food recipe


Morning start with new day, new hope, new challenges. Walk up in the bed and detox the process of the body started. People who face the issues of constipation generate lots of disease. In one time, tummy is clear means whole day goes perfectly. If not, means numbers of problems created.

 Facing these situations, everywhere people find the solution. Going to the doctor and concern it and get the medicines is the normal phase of scenario. 

But how deal with ease and get the solution at home by following Rajasthani Food recipes. Today we learn some of the healthy drinks which is not only clear the body but also help to deal the regular disease like diabetics, blood pressure, etc. This is the best option for starting the day instead of masala tea or jaggery tea.

Today, these diseases face every second person in the world. Daily medicines are running, but balancing situations generated mandatory so these situations never face all other family members. In daily routine diet one or two ingredients are present which help to protect these types of diseases. 

When these ingredients added in the start of the morning is the best phase of the day like Aloe vera, Tulsi leaf, coriander leaves, cinnamon, ginger, lemon juice, honey. These all-special ingredients which help to deal these situations. We learn all these Rajasthani Food recipe of drinks in detail but before we crack some points.

    1. What is detox drink?

    We all know drinking eight glass of water is mandatory for per day. Some people use extra ingredients to boost up the energy. That is called as detox water or detox drink. As a result, help to get the rid of toxins and improve the energy level which help to control the body weight.

    2. Is Aloe vera detox drink good for health?

    Yes, let’s understand in deep.

    Detox drink is not making with single ingredients but also added number of ingredients and spices which generated lots of benefits like:

    -        Detoxify the body by removing the toxins.

    -        Regular drinking improves the gut health and skin.

    -        Aloe vera juice consist rich source of antioxidants which help to fight the free radicals.

    -        Lower down the oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, blood sugar or even cancer.

    -        It is the excellent source of getting vitamin C.

    3. How many ingredients added in Aloe vera detox drink and also explain benefits?

    Four important ingredients added in Aloe vera detox drinks like Tulsi, mint, coriander leaves, Amla juice. Particular type of measurement added in this type of drink, we discuss in recipe. Now understand the benefits-

    1.      Tulsi – It consist lots of benefits like

    -        Boost the immunity system.

    -        Heals the infection level.

    -        Purifies the blood

    -        Get cures the insect bites

    -        Low down the blood pressure and blood sugar.

    -        Treat the respiratory disorder.


    2.      Mint – Provide all stomach woes.

    -        Boost the immunity system.

    -        Gives the acne free skin.

    -        Beats the morning sickness and nausea.

    -        Help to treat the allergy and asthma.

    -        Best remedy for common cold and oral health.

    -        Help to manage the stress.


    3.       Amla juice: Amla juice packed with lots of nutrients which help to boost the body health.

    -        High amount of vitamin C which help to boost the immunity system.

    -        It is good for hair and skin.

    -        It improves the blood sugar level, eye health, digestion and get rid of weight loss.


    4.      Coriander leaves: When present in daily drinks boost the blood sugar level.

    -        Boost the immunity system.

    -        Provide the benefits in heart health.

    -        Improve the brain health.

    -        Promote the gut health and digestion.

    -        Help to fight the infection.

    4. How many ingredients added in cinnamon tea?

     Cinnamon tea supports number of ingredients like ginger, honey, lemon along the bright color. Seen bright color enhance the powder of drinking. Its healthy and best option for detox the body.


    5. What are the benefits of cinnamon tea?

    The benefits are

    1.      Cinnamon – It is anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties generated.

    -        It contains antioxidants along the anti-inflammatory effects.

    -        It has prebiotic properties which improve the gut health.

    -        Reduce the blood pressure.

    -        Lower the blood sugar level and risk of type 1 diabetics.

    -        Relief out the digestive comfort.


    2.      Honey: It is rich in antioxidants along the nutrients.

    -        It helps to low down the diabetics’ issues.

    -        It helps to improve the cholesterol level.

    -        It lower down the triglycerides.


    3.      Ginger: Due to the gingerol element, contain powerful medicinal properties.

    -        It treats the forms of nausea especially morning sickness.

    -        It helps to weight loss and osteoarthritis.

    -        Get rid of heart disease and blood sugar level.

    -        Help to treat the chronic digestion.


    4.      Lemon juice: One spoon of lemon juice promotes hydrations.

    -        Good source of vitamin C.

    -        Supports the weight loss.

    -        Improve skin quality and fresh the breath.

    -        Get the rid of stone and kidney stones.


    These all the benefits, when present in daily life detox drink, how start to learn how to prepare Rajasthani food recipe of these drinks.


    Recipe of 1 glass of Aloe vera



    Small amount of aleo vera leaf

     4 to 5 mint leaves

    4 to 5 Tulsi leaves

    2 table spoons of coriander leaf

    Salt according to taste

    2 small table spoons of Amla Juice

    1 glass of water




    Preparation of cutting the leaf

    Take the leaf and cut the forks of the corners.


    Preparation of grinding the juice

    Take one grinder add aloe vera leaf, mint leaf, tulsi leaf, salt, water and coriander leaves. Then grind it and strain in big bowl. The add the alma juice and mix well. Now your detox drink ready to serve.


    Recipe of 1 glass of Cinnamon tea




    1 tea spoon of cinnamon powder

    1 tea spoon of grated ginger

    1 pinch of salt

    1.5 glass of water

    1 table spoon of honey

    1 table spoon of lemon juice



    Take one deep pan, add the water and put in high flame. Wait for boiling of water. After that add 1 tea spoon of cinnamon powder and 1 tea spoon of grated ginger. Then leave in low-medium flame for boiling up to 6 to 7 minutes. Means color changed into dark yellow. After 6 to 7 minutes close the flame and strain into the glass. Then add one spoon of honey, salt and lemon juice. Mix with the help of spoon. Now your tea is ready to serve.


    Note: Don’t add honey and lemon in hot tea. Add after cool down means in warm stage.

    These are the two Rajasthani Food recipe of detox drink. One is made as hot and another made at cold. According to the season made at within the interval of 5 minutes and enjoy the morning.


    In this blog learn about the detox drink and crack the question how important in our daily life. Last learn how to prepare Rajasthani Food recipe at home. So, try at home and share your views by writing comments.



















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    Daal Bhati Churma