Rajasthani Food recipe of adrak-leshan ka achar


As we  all know family is the name of power, support and strength. Lots of members have lots of specialty. When combine unique character, along unique pages, unique pictures are printed.

So, don't think just continue the reading and grab informatic knowledge. 

 When negative vibes attack it’s too easy to face the issues. Due to distinct colors of solutions. Each color sends unique message same as combination of colorful ingredients.

Individual ingredients have own quality and color but when they combine make the health history.

 Today we talk about Rajasthani Food Recipe of two ingredients when combine provide remedy of health issues. 

Rajasthani used these ingredients individually for gaining individual property. On daily routine kitchen Kings and queens add these ingredients and prepare perfect Rajasthani Food recipe for our love ones.

These ingredients are Garlic and ginger. When combine come out more flavored diet called as adrak lesan pickle. It eats along the numerous type of chapati like wheat roti, missi puri, bajra roti, makka roti, jawar roti, etc. 

When prepared, normal ingredients are used, which easily available in every kitchen. There are no needs of adding combination of standing masalas and seeds.

 It’s Rajasthani Food recipe, truly prepared in ghee and remove lots of disease when eat. Positive point about this pickle is made within 5 minutes and negative point about is not stored and fill the jar for eating months. But when eat, it gets the rid of number of diseases.

So, up to reading, get information about amazing ingredients, keep continue get more interesting.

    1. Is garlic promote the health?

    Yes, let’s see in detail….

    When eat in regular diet, it provides lots of health benefits including improving immunity system. 

    It helps to prevent not only the cold but also flu.

     Its eco-friendly nature combines in any diet and make nutrition full recipe. 

    Garlic potential power is too high help to prevent and treat disease from heart to cancer and make the digestive system clean and clear.

    2. Is garlic send negative vibes?

    Yes, overeating of any ingredients and vegetable provide harmful effect to body. When eat garlic in large amount it triggers the heartburn and irritate the digestive system. 

    It also increases the risk of bleeding.

     One study says that if eat garlic on regular basis, consumption held in the form of dosages.

     People who cross the 18 years of age take 4 g of raw garlic means 2 cloves. 

    History of garlic says that middle East, east Asia and Nepal treat the remedy for bronchitis, hypertension, tuberculosis, liver disorder, intestinal worms, diabetes and fevers.

    3. Is ginger best for health?

    Yes, it works as antibiotic agent, which protect from stress and damage of body DNA. Help the body for fighting the chronic diseases like blood pressure, heart diseases, disease of the lungs and promote the healthy aging effects. Daily consumption occurs by following some processes:

    1.      Drink hot tea by adding gallons of ginger in rainy and winter season.

    2.      Adding ginger syrup in soup.

    3.      Non-vegetarian people add on the recipe of fish, which make flaky fish.

    4.      Add the ginger on stir fries and enjoy spices flavor.

     4. Is ginger compose bad effect?

    Taking more than 4 gram of ginger in the scenario of 24 hours cause the additional heartburn. Minor side effects include the gas or bloating. 

    Those ladies which take on menstrual bleeding while taking ginger. Pregnant ladies don’t consume more that 1 gram of ginger per day. Consumption in kids under the age of 2 highly prohibited. Some people have skin issues when applying.

    These are some important aspects which know every people. Before presence in life, people know XYZ about all the ingredients. Single ingredient provides lots on benefits, when combine neve ever see the positive vibes. Now start to learn Rajasthani food Recipe of adrak leshan achar.



    1 whole garlic clove

    1 small ginger lump

    3 table spoons of ghee

    1 pinch of Hing

    1 tea spoon of cumin seeds

    Dry ingredients

    1 table spoon chilli powder

    ½ table spoon turmeric powder

    1 table spoon coriander powder

    Salt according to taste


    Preparation for chopping garlic and ginger

    Peel the garlic and chopped into small pieces. Same process done by the ginger, peel and finely chopped.

    Preparation for preparing paste

    Take one small bowl, add all the ingredients and ¼ class of water. Mix well and prepare paste.

    Preparation for tadka

    Take one pan, add ghee and put in high flame. Wait for temperature change, then add hing and cumin seeds. Cracking sound hear, then add the paste of masala and wait for oil left. After left the oil drop all the chopped garlic and ginger. Mix well and cover with lid. Wait for 5 minutes to cook. In 5-minute, interval garlic and ginger both cooked well and ready your pickle to eat. After 5 minutes close the flame and your pickle ready to serve.

    Note: Garlic and ginger both are hot ingredients, so when use ghee it doesn’t provide any side effects.

    This is the whole recipe of Rajasthani Food recipe of adrak lasen pickle. Now I share the one of the incidents of eating adrak lesan pickle.

    My mother who is suffering from diabetics and High Blood pressure. She is one insulin, on regular basis insulin level is increases. Everyone in my family worried about health issue and no one understand how control the insulin level. So, one of my neighbors tell me about the recipe. First time I am not trust but think that, lets try it. Then really it works. I prepare alternative days of the week and insulin level is going down. So, after getting the result, I share my blogger family. This recipe is so simple and healthy.


    In this blog talk about magical ingredients ginger and garlic. Next talk about some important questions which really everyone knows. Last not the least simple Rajasthani Food Recipe of adrak leshan pickle, which made within 10 minutes. All steps are so simple and sweet, try at home and share your views by writing comments.  







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    Daal Bhati Churma