Rajasthani Food recipe of missi masala Puri

In Rajasthan sun rises morning force to prepare a whole day menu. It’s our choice which type of menu we decided some likes chapatis, puri, paratha, light weighted poha, upma, utapam, idli, sandwich, Khaman dokla, etc. Means grains prepare by following Rajasthani Food recipe. Wheat grains chapati eat by every people and present on everyday meal. But barley chapatis eat which know all the benefits. Rich ancient grains with lots of fiber, taste is slightly nutty and chewy texture. It is easily available in the market and price is in budget. Rajasthani stores Wheat grains for a year to eat same as barley grains we can store and make chapatis and missi masala puri’s or bedwa puri.

Today we talk about Rajasthani Food recipe of Berwa puri, Before spark on important aspect of barley….

    1. Why eat barley grains?

    Let’s start to understand …

    Barley grain is a grain which consist beta-glucan compound. Found in bacteria, yeast, fungi, algae and plants. It is a source of soluble fiber. When present in daily meal it reduces the cholesterol, blood sugar level, improve the digestion and reduce weight loss. When eating barley chapati, it required combination of grains like barley + chickpeas or wheat grains. Basically, two types of barley available in the market hulled and pearled. Both are best but hulled barley is more nutrition that refined pearled barley.

    2. What are the benefits of Barley?

    When eating and present in daily diet, it offers so many benefits like:

    -        Rich in beneficial Nutrients: When eat with combination of barley and wheat flour, it enhances rich source of fiber like molybdenum, magnesium and selenium. Also contain good amount of copper, vitamin B1, chromium, phosphorus, manganese and niacin. It packed with antioxidants which low down the cancer and heart risk.

    Use in terms of soaking and sprouting it reduce antinutrient content which increase lots of vitamin, minerals, protein and antioxidants level.  


    -        Reduce hunger and help to lose weight: When eat 2 chapati as a day, it provides the feeling of fullness which promote weight loss. When chewing it form gel like substance in your gut as a result slow down the digestion and absorb the nutrients. One review prove that beta glucan consists effective type of fiber that reduce appetite and full intake.


    -          Improve Digestion: All soluble and insoluble content promote intestinal health. Means those fiber found in barley is insoluble and unlike soluble fiber doesn’t dissolve in water. It adds bulk to your stool and accelerates intestinal movements that reduce constipation. Continuously eating barley Chapati improve bowel function and increase the stool volume specially in woman.


    -        Prevent Gallstones and reduce the risk of gallbladder surgery: Gallstones are solid particles that immediately form in your gallbladder which is a part of the liver. In most of the cases gallstones doesn’t show any symptoms. Time gone stuck in the gallbladder that cause pain. That stone removes by the surgery along lots of pain.

    Those compounds promote by the barley which prevent the surgery and protect the gallbladder for stone. 16 years of study says that women face this type of issues result they want to remove the gallbladder.


    -        Beta - glucans help to reduce the cholesterol: Bile acids are bad for our health, it removed by the barley. This bile acid present in the liver and produces lots of cholesterol. Regular eating of barley roti helps to low down the cholesterol.


    -        Reduce heart disease risk:  Regular eating of whole grains provide better heart health. Barley lower down the certain risk factors like reduce cholesterol level and blood pressure level. Recent study said that average intake of 8.7 grams of soluble fiber linked with .3 and 1.6 mmHg reduction in blood pressure.


    -        Magnesium and soluble fiber may protect against Diabetics: Barley reduce the risk of type 2 diabetics which lower down the sugar level and improve the insulin unit. It is rich in soluble fiber that binds with water and other molecules, that slow down the absorption of sugar. When barley present in breakfast, it improves proper health of the body.

    These are the benefits which occur when eat barley grains in our daily diet. Let’s learn one healthy Rajasthani Food recipe of Berwa Puri or missi masala puri.

    3. Recipe of Berwa Puri


    2 bowl of barley flour

    2 table spoon of vegetable oil

    1 pinch of Hing

    1 glass of water

    Dry Spices

    1 table spoon of chilli powder

    Salt according to taste

    ¼ tea spoon of turmeric powder

    ½ table spoon Rock salt

    ½ table spoon of black salt

    Standing Spices

    1 table spoon of grated black pepper

    1 to 2 grated cloves

    ½ table spoon of mango Powder

    1 table spoon of aniseeds

    4. Methods

    Methods for mixing Masala in flour

    Take one deep plate, add flour and add all ingredients. Mix well

    Note: Mango powder add on your choice because it gives taggy flavor. If never like taggy flavor skip it.

    Method for preparing dough

    Add small amount of water for preparing dough and knead properly. Elasticity is tight like wheat grain of dough of puri. Otherwise, it shows the difficulty when rolling. Leave for 5 minutes so elasticity take proper shape.

    Method for preparing puri

     After 5 minutes, knead the dough so it takes proper shape. Make small-small dough balls and prepare puri. On other hand drop the oil on pan and put in high flame. When temperature of oil goes high, put one by one puri and fry until it takes the color of brown. After that leave the puri’s from the oil and ready to serve with your favorite vegetable, chutney, pickles, tea.

    One of the best benefits of Rajasthani food recipe of berwa puri is, it fulfills the requirement of tea time snacks. It gives the flavor of soft and spicy like Namkeen. My mother makes a lot of, every day at the tea time I definitely eat it. I love to take at tea time, so it’s your choice which combination you like.


    In this blog we take about how wheat flour replace into barley. Next talk about all the benefits about barley and solve the question of how barley important in our daily like. Last discuss one of the favorite recipes of barley called as berwa puri. Try at home by following Rajasthani Food recipe of Berwa puri and share your comments by writing comments.





















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    Click here for comments
    July 11, 2021 at 6:15 AM ×

    I really like snacks with tea. Definitely try at home...😀

    July 14, 2021 at 9:51 AM ×

    Due to busy schedule of mine, I never learn to my mother. Thank u so much mother style recipe

    Hemlata Garg
    July 15, 2021 at 1:59 AM ×

    Thank you so much for comments


    Daal Bhati Churma