Recipe Of upma and coconut chutney by following Rajasthani Food Recipe



1 bowl of Suji

Dry Spicy

¼ tea spoon of turmeric

½ tea spoon of chilli powder

½ tea spoon of black pepper

½ tea spoon of Garam masala

Salt according to taste

½ table spoon of Black Salt

Note: Black pepper and chilli powder you can and remove according to taste.


1 chopped onion

1 chopped capsicum

1 chopped tomato

1 small chopped Green Chilli

1 lemon

Note: Veggie you can add or remove according to your choice

For Tadkka

3 table spoon of Vegetable oil

1 table spoon of mustard Seeds (Rai)

3 to 4 Curry leaves

1 pinch of Hing

3 glasses of water

For Garnishing

Some Coriander Leaves

Some copped spring onions


Direction for foment (Sekna) the Suji

Take one Pan, open the flame, add one table spoon of oil, wait for hot, then add 1 bowl of Suji. Now start foment by continuously stir with spatula. When Suji color change into brown or golden brown close the flame and remove the suji from the pan.

Direction for Tadkka

Take pan, open the flame, add 2 table spoons of oil, wait for warm. Then add Hing, Curry leaves and mustard seeds. When cracking sound hear, add chopped onion, stir it until onion turn into transparent. Then add capsicum and chilli, again stir for 2 minutes. After that add tomato, salt, all the dry spicy and stir so all the spicy mix well. Then cover with lid for 2 minutes so all the veggie cooked properly.

Final step for making Utapam

 Add 3 glass of water in Tadkka pan, mix well and add lemon juice. At this point you can taste the water so you easily adjust the flavor of spicy, lemon juice and salt. If you like more taggy flavor you add one more lemon juice. Then wait for boiling of water. Add foment suji and mix well. At this stage we do not leave the spatula, continuously whisk so water is evaporated and texture of the upma turn thick.  When texture take proper shape, spread coriander leaves, spring onion and ready to serve with chutney coriander, tomato, coconut and so on.  


Now start next recipe of Rajasthani Food Recipe of coconut chutney.

Recipe of coconut chutney


1 bowl of grated or fine chopped coconut

½ bowl of chana gram

Salt according to taste

1 or 2 green chillies

1 red chilli

3 to 4 curry leaves

1 pinch of Hing

1 table spoon of mustard seeds

1 spoon of chopped coriander leaves

2 table spoon of vegetable oil

1 table spoon of curd or lemon juice


Preparation for grinding

Take grinder, add grated or fine chopped coconut. Then add all the ingredients and ¼ glass of water. Mix well and leave from one bowl.

Preparation for tadka

Take one pan, add oil and put in high flame. Then wait for temperature change and add Hing, mustard seeds, red chilli, curry leaves. Cracking sound hears. Close the flame and add al the tadka in the chutney bowl. Now chutney ready to serve.

Conclusion: Upma is most famous dish of South Cuisine. But I prepare Rajasthani style. Every step I explain Rajasthani Food recipe of preparing Upma and coconut chutney. Try at home and share with me by writing comments.  







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Daal Bhati Churma