In 2021- Rajasthani food recipe of Kothu roti

Have you interested to know Sri Lankan famous dish in Rajasthan style? Made by adding veggies, small touch of sauce and spices. When come in front of foodie’s lips smashing dish welcomed.

We talk in detail and get complete description about Rajasthani Food Recipe of kothu roti. Have you interested to know and enjoy new dish with dearones? If yes, be stay.

Koftu Roti is basically non-veg dish prepared by queens and kings of Srilaka. It’s too healthy for non-vegetarian people. But as a vegetarian people how enjoyed.

To beat this question rajasthani18flavors come with detail steps where vegetarian people made on own kitchen and enjoyed the dish.

Before start the recipe know something interesting about Rajasthani Food Recipe of kothu roti.

    1. What is Kothu roti?

    Kothu roti is the simple wheat flour chapati, cut into horizontal or vertical layers like noodles. Its texture is course form. Connect with lots of veggies and sauces along simple and sweet ingredients.

    Amazing taste take over with lots of colors of veggies and spicy flavors. Kids enjoyed a lot and eat like a noodle. Enjoyed moment by eating healthy dish and remove the hunger by filling tommy.

    2. Where Kothu roti come from?

    Kothu roti is coming from Sri Lanka in 1960 – 70 along the eastern coastal town. First time made by local Tamil people as national food of Sri Lankans. They enjoyed with flatbread, aromatic spices, crispy vegetables along tasty meat. Sri Lankans enjoyed on occasions using hot griddle.

    It is the heart of every Sri Lankans, whenever knock in the kitchen when they carving something delicious and yummy. They also made using godamba roti. (Soft, foldable rotis available on roadside restaurant)

    3. Is Kothu roti combine with healthy vegetables?

    Yes, because all vegetables consist lots of fiber, protein and minerals. Add small amount consist lots of healthy calories.

    4. Which type of vegetables take Kothu roti along benefits?

    So many types of vegetables support Kothu roti or add according to choose. In Rajasthan Kothu roti enjoyed by kids as noodles. So, when chopped the vegetables same as noodles.

    kids eat vegetables along roti with lots of fibers and minerals. Basically, used vegetables are

    Cabbage: It is the power bank which contain plenty of vitamin C to power up the baby’s immunity system and purify the healthy blood.

    Onion: Smaller part of eating onion consist lots of folate, vitamin B6 and potassium.  It also helps to maintain damaging free radicals and immunity system.

    Tomato: It is packed with vitamin A and vitamin C along lots of antioxidants. When present in daily diet reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.

    Peas: Peas used whenever frozen and freshed with lots of goodness. When child eat consist vitamin C, K, folate and fiber which consist health benefits in terms of eye, brain and bone health.

    Corn: When yellow corn adds on diet, it protects the cells from damage and high-level diseases like cancer and heart. It is a good source of carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin. These all sources good for eye health which prevent the lens damage.

    5. How Kothu dish take the shape of roti?

    Single roti cut into stick like shape. Using scissor make big and thick shape roti. In effect all the vegetables take same chopping skill.

    6. How many calories consist kothu Roti?

    Kothu roti consist 220 calories along lots of protein and minerals.

    7. How many types of sauces used in preparation of kothu roti?

    It consists 3 types od sauces like tomato, soya and chilli sauce.

    Tomato provide taggy flavor, soya consists smoky and chilli provide spiciness.

    This is all about the flavors, texture, vegetables which solve in the questions. Up to the reading you get roughly idea about kottu roti and too excited to know the Rajasthani Food recipe.

    If yes, without wasting a single minute start to learn the detail recipe.


    2 chapati

    1 table spoon of oil

    1 table spoon of butter


    1 bowl of chopped cabbage

    1 bowl of capsicum

    1 bowl of tomato

    1 bowl of onion

    ½ bowl of corn

    1 green chillie

    4 to 5 cloves of finely chopped garlic

    1 small part of finely chopped ginger      

    Note: Add and remove the veggies accordingly

    Dry spices

    1 tea spoon of gram masala

    Salt according to taste

    1 tea spoon of cumin seeds

    1 pinch of hing


    1 table spoon of soya sauce

    1 table spoon of tomato sauce

    1 table spoon of red chilli sauce


    Preparation of chopping vegetables and roti

    Take all the vegetables and cut into big stick like shapes.

    Preparation of kottu roti

    Take the wok, add the oil and butter. Put in high flame and wait for melt the butter. When butter get melted put the cumin seeds and hing. When cracking sound hear drop the chopped cabbage, onion and sauté well. When texture of the vegetables goes transparent, add other veggies, salute well until all veggies goes into transparent form. After transparency take place, add the three sauces and mix well. When sauce come in the boiling stage, add the Garam masala and salt. Mix well then add the stick chopped roti and mix well. Then cover with lid so all the flavors connect to the roti and texture goes to similar for 2 to 3 minutes.

    Now after time goes, open the lid and spread the coriander leaves. Then close the flame and your kothu roti ready to serve.

    Note: First add the oil and then drop the butter, otherwise butter get burn.

    -        Do not add the salt when veggies drop, it dissolves all the veggies.

    -        When add the salt, keep remind that add on limited amount because sauces take the salt.

    About Author

    I have leant recently from my neighbor for my blogger viewers. I like the recipe a lot, when I prepared at home, my daughter liked it and enjoyed as a noodle. She like all the flavor and eat in the time of dinner.


    This is blog, where you get new and amazing recipe of Sri Lankans. Also learn how the recipe take the touch and flavors. At last, learn about whole Rajasthani Food recipe of kottu roti. Also join on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.






















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    Daal Bhati Churma