Amazing Vegan Dish Recipe of Tamarind Chutney | Amazing Vegan Dish Recipe of Sooth chutney


Icing on the cake one of the famous idioms, heard by every people in the world. Tamarind same work as icing drop on the famous Kachori and samosa. Make the full meal interesting and amazing.

Have you wanted to know amazing vegan dish recipe of Tamarind chutney? Be stay on my blog attack on full recipe, also grab benefits, some point which elaborate the tamarind. Without wasting time start the blog and cover all the points.

Tamarind is taggy flavored chutney, which is enjoyed by mathari, samosa, kachori, chole, missi puri, etc. Flavored is so amazing and make the whole meal so enjoyable.

Tamarind consumption in the form of soup, syrup, sauce, curries and chutney present in daily diet, it improves the health benefits and offer to control every second disease. Patients who are suffering get relief as fast as possible.

    1. What is Tamarind?

    Tamarind is flat and irregular shaped fruit. Pods of Tamarind are reddish brown which consist sour and juicy pulp. In all over the world people used as flavoring agent. It is called as Imli, even 90% people know with same name.

    2. Is Tamarind beneficial for peptic ulcers?

    Peptic ulcer is painful on inner lining of the stomach and upper part of the small intestine. It is basically caused by heavy mediation, bacterial infection and due to heavy acidity. If tamarind seeds extract anti-ulcer properties means as a result slow down the release of gastric juice.

    3. How many calories consist Tamarind chutney?

    It consists total 239 calories. Out of which 62 grams of carbohydrate, 5 grams of fiber and rest of the calories for protein. It’s all depend upon standard diet of 2000 calories. When individually notify the figures, it is rich in calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, vitamin A, B3, B9, C and K. It contains .60 grams of fat.

    4. Is Tamarind helpful in diabetic, high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol?

    Yes, let’s start to learn each part in deep.

    Diabetic: It is the condition, where body contain lots of metabolize of glucose. That glucose stays on bloodstream which increase the blood sugar level. When consumption of tamarind seeds extracts the glucose a lot. This property low down the insulin level and reduce the diabetics.

    High blood pressure: Low sodium to potassium ratio is essential for maintaining blood pressure level in the body. When potassium helps to relax the blood, vessel means reducing the blood pressure. Potassium compound in high level present in Tamarind and help to get the relieving the hypertension. According to the study says that 15mg of tamarind per day can lead the significant reduction in diastolic blood pressure.

    High blood cholesterol: Cholesterol is more beneficial for building healthy living cells. High level of cholesterol arteries contains the issues of stroke, heart attack and high blood pressure. According to the studies tamarind pulp reduce down the total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein level.

    5. Are any side-effects of eating tamarind?

    Tamarind consists large number of hypoglycemic properties, which cause of gallstone disease. When suffering from diabetics and high blood pressure along the medication, best option to avoid the consumption.  


    Up to the reading of this blog solve numerous questions, which blink in mind, when heard the name of Tamarind. Without wasting single minute, start amazing vegan dish recipe of tamarind chutney.

    Recipe of Tamarind Chutney

    100 grams of dried Tamarind

    10 grams of jaggery or 1 big spoon sugar

    Dry species

    1 able spoon of red chilli powder

    Salt according to taste

    Black salt according to taste

    Standing species

    1 tea spoon of black pepper powder

    1 tea spoon dry ginger powder

    1 tea spoon of gram masala powder

    1 tea spoon of coarse powder of cumin seeds


    Preparation of soaking the Imli (Tamarind)

    Take deep bowl, add the water. Then add tamarind and soak for 2 hours. So, tamarind get soft and leave the pulp.


    Take deep bowl, add water and put the water bowl in flame. Wait for change the water temperature. Then put Tamarind and soak for 20 minutes. Hot water helps to get softer.

    Preparation of draining

    After 2 hours, take the sieve and drain all the pulp. With the help of water rub it and drain it.

    Preparation of making chutney

    Now pulp bowl, put in the low flame. Then add salt, black pepper powder, red chilli powder, dry ginger powder, gram masala powder, cumin seed powder and jaggery. Stir using spoon.

    With the particular time interval stir process held otherwise jaggery stick at the bottom of the utensil.

    When chutney goes boiling stage, leave the stir process and leave 10 to 15 minutes for proper cooking.

    After 10 to 15 minutes, chutney texture goes thick and close the flame. Now your chutney ready to serve.

    About Author

    This is the whole recipe of chutney. I like a lot. My mother made me and fill the jar in the refrigerator. I enjoyed with snacks and after the meal as a dessert. My tongue taste improves with the taggy flavor. Even I learn from my mother and today I share with my blogger family.

    If recipe like don’t go anywhere join on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and twitter.


     In this blog talk about tangy flavor tamarind fruit, how convert simple snack into yummy. Next spark on some questions which solve and clarify the use of tamarind. Last not the least full recipe of Tamarind Chutney. That tamarind chutney also called as Sooth chutney.



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    September 12, 2021 at 7:12 AM ×

    Thank u maam for sharing lovely recipe..☺️

    Congrats bro Hemandra you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...

    Daal Bhati Churma