2021 Rajasthani Food recipe of Malai ka Mawa

 Eating Rajasthani Thali without ghee like without salt eating veggie. Salt raises all flavors of spicy whereas without ghee chapati don’t open all the flavors of tongue. Rajasthani said that Ghee is the major part of All Rajasthani Food recipe. When drop one or two teaspoons in any veggie and thali it opens all seasoning taste. Rajasthani favorite dishes are churma, Daal, Bati, Monthal

When prepare tadkka for daal, add extra teaspoon of ghee, which really raising all flavors. In rajasthani18flavors so many recipes of daal are available, where in tadkka process discuss how add extra ghee. When eat with any grains, how appealing texture generated.

When ghee prepare at home is purer. Today, in this blog learn how to prepare ghee using Malai. Everyday Malai generated when heat the milk. Using per day extra cream is too typical, so collect on big bowl and store in refrigerator. Every house refrigerator small space is booked for him. There is lots of way of using Malai, but thing know “tricks and techniques”. In my childhood, I have seen my mother, she always follows same techniques of Rajasthani Food recipe and made lots of thing using single element like Mawa, Paneer and ghee. All items are highly nutrition. My mother prepares distinguish dishes using all these items. I think, I am lucky one for getting the chance of learning quick and easy recipes.

    1. How ghee important in our daily life?

    -        It gives the strength to the immunity system and help to build the bones. Small kids who face the issues of low immunity, take spoonful ghee in daily diet is the best remedy to overcome these issues. It acts as a strong microbial, anti-cancer and antiviral agent. Rich source of fat-soluble vitamins that help in growth and development of the bones.  


    -        It is rich in fat and contain high concentrations of monounsaturated Omega-3s. These healthful fatty acids support a healthy heart and cardiovascular system. One study said that ghee count as balance diet which help to reduce unhealthy cholesterol levels.


    -        Those people who face the skin issues of dryness (peeling, dehydrated and dull), get best remedy in low price. It not only provides enthusiastic glow but also prevent anti-bacterial infections which prevents unwanted pimples. Apply by making paste using ghee and turmeric. Let wait for dry completely and wash with water.


    2. Is any bad effect of ghee?

    Ghee consists 50 percent of saturated fat. Over-consumption of ghee contain numerous negative points in our body. It increases the cholesterol level which enhance the heart disease like stroke.

    3. Is ghee good for fat loss?

    Ghee is excellent source of fat-soluble-vitamins and healthy fatty acids, which help to control the weight. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid help to reshape the body. It pushes the stored fat cells in the body to be burnt and generate energy. This help in reduce the weight faster.

    So, make the ghee using stored Malai and prepare lots of dishes at home. Kitchen queens are magicians, magics always held in one room along single instrument(gas). Always make the own taste by following Rajasthani Food recipe. For preparing ghee lots of hard work needs along1 hour of time. More efforts open more doors of nutrition. Let’s start

    Recipe of Malai Ka Ghee


    1 bowl of malai


    Preparation for bittering

    Take one deep bowl. Add all malai and start bittering using spoon. Within 10 minutes, texture of malai goes like soup. 

    When time goes and process is going continue, texture goes to tight or like creamy. When want to shake but hard to do. But on this stage do not stop to bittering. Continue do, this is last stage for left the ghee.

    After take smooth texture, your ghee is coming out from the malai. Chhachh left at the bottom and ghee are coming at the upper layer.

    Note: If malai temperature is too cold, remove it and wait for coming in room temperature.

    -        In winter times, if malai doesn’t goes to “tight” stage, add warm water for adjusting the temperature.

    -        In summer, if malai doesn’t goes to “tight” stage, add cold water for adjusting the temperature.

    -        If kitchen queens have no time to leave the malai and wait for coming room temperature, add hot water for adjusting temperature.

    Preparation for separating ghee and chhachh

    Make small-small balls of left ghee and put in one pan for heating. If chhachh is coming in pan use your finger and press the ghee then drop all the chhachh in bowl.

     Preparation for melting ghee

    Put the ghee pan in high flame. Wait for heating the ghee. In first stage all the ghee melted and slow down the flame, in second stage when heated more it left all the mawa present in ghee. It increases when temperature goes high it takes around 10 to 15 minutes. Left all the mawa, then during process you leave this mawa using spoon or drain the sieve. After drain, again put ghee into the low flame. Within 20 minutes all the ghee purified and wastage are coming on the upper layer. Drain the pure ghee and temperature of ghee goes down, fill the jar and store for a year.

    Preparation for paneer

    When bittering process held, chhachh are left. Those chhachh put in high flame, add lemon juice or vinegar to tear the chhachh. When temperature goes high your chhachh tear it and start to make paneer. Fully chhachh tear, close the flame and drain your paneer using sieve or paneer stand. After paneer come on stand, put one big stone and leave for coming in room temperature. After coming room temperature, put on refrigerator and enjoy your dish and left water use of making khadi.

    For khadi making add small amount of curd for giving taggy flavor. After water convert into taggy prepare Rajasthani Kadhi, Panjabi Kadhi and enjoy with roti and chawal.

    I hope all my viewers like simple and flavored recipe. Also join us Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Pinterest.

    About Author:

    This is the recipe which is learnt from my mother. She can prepare every week using stored Malai. After marriage I also prepared and made lots of thinks using all stuff. 


    In this blog focus on how to prepare Ghee by following Rajasthani food recipe. Firstly, talk about how ghee important in our life. Next talk about pros and cos of ghee. At last talk about full recipe of ghee making. All steps are clear and simple. If face any issues please ask me by writing comments. It really motivate me.




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    July 20, 2021 at 8:47 AM ×

    Thanks ma'am, it's to helpful for me...😀


    Daal Bhati Churma