In 2021 prepare famous dishes of Rajasthan through grains


Health-conscious people talking about while, always think about cooking and values added on diet. Specially focus on flour and grains. Both are special part for building body bones. Today we talk about special flour that is Besan. It is the pulse flour produce from the chickpea called as gram chickpea. It is staple ingredient in the cuisine of Indian subcontinent used for cooking centuries. Chickpeas coming from versatile legumes with mild nutty taste and flour made from a variety called Bengal gram. Most of the famous dish of Rajasthan made by Besan

Let’s understand some important aspects about besan.


How Besan is made?

Besan is made from raw or roasted Channa Dal is grounded to a flour called as Besan. Flour is powdered yellow, earthy flavour adding salty and sweet in taste to various dishes.

Why we eat Besan?

Besan consist more fat that wheat flour but higher in protein. Rich in complex carbohydrate, low glycerine index which keeps your heart healthy. It’s good for diabetic’s patients, helps proper functioning of heart and blood circulation.

How many types of famous dosh of Rajasthan made?

So many types of varieties made. Let’s See

Famous dish of Rajasthani people prepares recipes like DhoklaKhadi, Khandvi, thepla, halwa, Crispi pakora’s, etc.

Some benefits of Besan

1.      Good for your heart

Besan have soluble fibre result keeps heart healthy. It keeps cholesterol level control and helps in proper functioning of the heart and blood circulation of the body.


2.      Lower diabetes

Best homemade remedy to control diabetes. For diabetes cause patient use gram flour in place of wheat flour for making Rotis and bread.


3.      Fight Allergies

Those people who suffer the allergies to gluten. They can easily use the gram flour in our daily diet. Due to less calories and highly nutrition. Qualities help to fight many allergies reaction.


4.      Help in weight loss

Due to lower glycemic index, it’s burn calories faster. Give nutrition and help for getting high protein diet.


5.      Help in skin tightening

Besan is the best ingredients for skin care. It tight and lighten the skin, maintain the skin elasticity in the form of Besan, turmeric and curd paste. Three of the ingredients mix in a small bowl and apply on the skin. It gives glowing and fresh skin.

Why make celery of the besan?

In all over the world celery is not only made by besan but also other grains. Kitchen queen always used for given coting to vegetables like potato, tomato, chilly, etc at the time of frying process. Besan celery is used for preparing chilla and pakoda. Wheat celery also used for preparing chilla and sweet pakoda. Other celery used for coting.

How many calories 1 chilla consist?

1 chilla consist 236 calories, out of which 123 calories of carbohydrate, 43 calories of protein and remaining calories consist fats. It fulfil 12 percent of daily values under the 20000 calories.


Conclusion: In this blog spark on Rajasthani people who prepare famous dish of Rajasthan using Besan. Next talking about some benefits of Besan. Last talk about celery. If you like the information, please comment on my comment box.

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Daal Bhati Churma